Instituto de Ecología UNAM
Repositorio Institucional
de artículos científicos
Buscar por:
Academic Journals
Acta Oecologica
Acta Zoológica Mexicana
Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Biological Conservation
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Evolutionary Applications
Integrative and Comparative Biology
Journal of Parasitology
Journal of Plant Physiology
Journal of Thermal Biology
Southwestern Entomologist
, Neurobiology of Aging
Acta Botánica Hungárica
Acta Botánica Mexicana
Acta Chiropterologica
Acta Ethologica
Acta Oecologica
Acta Oecologica International Journal of Ecology
Acta Proctozoologica
Acta Theriologica
Acta Tropica
Acta Universitaria
Acta Zoologica mexicana
Actas Etnobotánica
Advances in the Study of Behavior
Agricultral and Forest Meterology
Agricultural Water Management
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
Agroforestry Systems
Agronomy Journal
Agua Latinoamericana
Allelopathy Journal
American Fern Journal
American Journal of Botany
American Journal of Primatology
American Midland Naturalist
American Naturalist
American Scientist
Amigos newsletter
Anales del Instituto de Biología
Animal Behavior
Animal Behaviour
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation
Animal Conservation
Annals of Forest Science
Annals of Botany
Annals of Forest Science
Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
Annual Review of Entomology
Annual Review of Environmental Resources
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of Microbiology
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology
AOB Plants
Applications in Plant Sciences
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Applied and Environmental Soil Science
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Applied Soil Ecology
Appplied Soil Ecology
Aquaculture Research
Aquatic Botany
Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst.
Aquatic Mammals
Aquatic Microbial Ecology
Archives of Environmental Health
Archives of Medical Research
Archives of Virology
Arthropod Structure & Development
Arthropod-Plant Interactions
Austral Ecology
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Australian Journal of Botany
Avance y Perspectiva
Basic and Applied Ecology
Behavioral Ecology
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology
Behavioural Processes
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications
Biodiversity and Conservation
Biol Invasions
Biologia Plantarum
BiologicaI Invasions
Biological Conservation
Biological Consevation
Biological Invasions
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Biological Reviews
Biology Letters
BioMed Research International
Bioresource Technology
BMC Bioinformatics
BMC Evolutionary Biology
BMC Genetics
BMC Genomics
BMC Plant Biology
BMC Systems Biology
Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
Botanical Sciences
Bulletin of American Odonatology
Bulletin of Entomological Research
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Bullletin of Entomological Research
Business Mexico
Cactáceas y Suculentas Mexicanas
Canadian Journal of Botany
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Canadian Journal Zoology
Caries Research
Center for Conservation Biology Update
Chemistry & Biodiversity
Ciencia y Desarrollo
Ciencia, Revista de la Academia de la Investigación Científica
Climate Research
Climatic Change
Comercio Exterior
Comments on Theoretical Biology
Communicative and Integrative Biology
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Physiology
Conciencia Mexicana
Conservation Biology
Conservation Genetics
Conservation Genetics Resources
Correo del Maestro
CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes
Current Biology
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development
Current Opinion in Insect Science
Current Opinion in Plant Biology
Current Zoology
Derecho Económico
Developmental Dynamics
Developmental Psychobiology
Different Drummer Magazine
Diversity and Distributions
Earth Systems Science Data
Ecological Applications
Ecological Complexity
Ecological Economics
Ecological Entomology
Ecological Indicators
Ecological Management and Restoration
Ecological Modelling
Ecological Research
Ecology and Evolution
Ecology and Society
Ecology Letters
Economía Exterior
Economic Botany
El Correo
El Faro
El Tercer planeta, medicina y ecología
EMBO Journal
Endangered Species Bulletin
Endangered Species Update
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
Entomological News
Enviroment and Planning B-Planning & Design
Enviromental and Experimental Botany
Enviromental Entomology
Enviromental Health
Enviromental Management
Environ Biol Fish
Environmental and Experimental Botany
Environmental Biology of Fishes
Environmental Conservation
Environmental Impact Assessment Review
Environmental Management
Environmental Microbiology
Environmental Modelling & Software
Environmental Modelling and Software
Environmental Research Letters
Environmental Science & Policy
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Escala (Edición especial)
Este país
Estudios Sociales
Ethology, Ecology and Evolution
European Food Research and Technology
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
European Journal of Entomology
European Journal of Forest Research
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Evolution and Development
Evolutionary Applications
Evolutionary Ecology
Evolutionary Ecology Research
eXtra Botany
Fauna & Flora International
FEBS Letters
FEMS MicrobioIogy Ecology
FEMS Microbiology Ecology
FEMS Microbiology Letters
Florida Entomoligist
Florida Entomologist
Flowering Newsletter
Folia Entomológica Mexicana
Forest Ecology and Management
Freshwater Biology
Frontiers in Bioscience
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Frontiers in Genetics
Frontiers in in Sustainable Food Systems
Frontiers in Microbiology
Frontiers in Plant Science
Frontiers in Zoology
Frontiers Research Foundation
Functional Ecology
Fungal Diversity
Fungal Ecology
Gap Analysis Program Bulletin
General and Comparative Endocrinology
Genet Resour Crop Evol
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
Genome Biology and Evolution
Genomics Data
Geofísica Internacional
Global Biogeochimal Cycles
Global Change Biology
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Global Environmental Change
Grasslands ecosystems, endangered species, and sustainable ranching in the Mexico-U.S. borderlands: Conference Proceedings
Herpetological Conservation and Biology
Herpetological Review
HFSP Journal
Human Biology
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology Plant
Infection, Genetics and Evolution
Infection,genetics and evolution
Insect Conservation and Diversity
International Journal for Parasitology
International Journal Hydrogen Energy
International Journal of Biometeorology
International Journal of Developmental Biology
International Journal of Evolutionary Biology
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
International Journal of Microbiology
International Journal of Molecular Science
International Journal of Odonatology
International Journal of Plant Development Biology
International Journal of Plant Science
International Journal of Plant Sciences
International Journal of Plant Sciences
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
International Journal of Wilderness
International Journal of Wildland Fire
International Journal of Wildland Fires
International Microbiology
Invasive Plant Science and Management
Invertebrate Survival Journal
Investigación Ambiental Ciencia y Política Pública
Investigación y Ciencia
Investigaciones Geográficas
ISME Journal
JEZ-B Molecular and Development Evolution
Jornal of Evolutionary Biology
Journal of Mammalogy
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Journal of Agricultural Science
Journal of Animal Ecology
Journal of AOAC International
Journal of Applied Ecology
Journal of Arachnology
Journal of Arid Environments
Journal of Arid Land
Journal of Avian Biology
Journal of Bacteriology
Journal of Biogeography
Journal of Biogeography.
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Journal of Chemical Ecology
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Journal of Cosmology
Journal of Crustacean Biology
Journal of Ecology
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Environmental Quality
Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering
Journal of Ethnobiology
Journal of Ethology
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal of Experimental Botany
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Journal of Fish Biology
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment
Journal of Forest Economics
Journal of Forestry
Journal of General Virology
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Journal of Heredity
Journal of Herpetology
Journal of Human Genetics
Journal of Hydrology
Journal of Insect Behavior
Journal of Insect Conservation
Journal of Insect Physiology
Journal of Insect Science
Journal of International of Environmental Health Research
Journal of Land Use Science
Journal of Mammalogy
Journal of Medical Entomolog
Journal of Medical Entomology
Journal of Molecular Evolution
Journal of Natural History
Journal of Natural Products
Journal of Oleo Science
Journal of Ornithology
Journal of Parasitology
Journal of Phycology
Journal of Plant Ecology
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
Journal of Plant Physiology
Journal of Plant Research
Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera
Journal of The Lepidopterists Society
Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society
Journal of the Southwest
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Journal of Tropical Ecology
Journal of Tropical Forest Science
Journal of Vector Ecology
Journal of Vegetable Science
Journal of Vegetation Science
Journal of Water and Health
Journal of Water Research
Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Journal of Zoological Systematics & Evolutionary Research
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
Journal of Zoology
Land Degradation and Development
Linnean Society. Biological Journal
Madera y Bosques
Mammal Research
Mammalian Biology
Mammalian Species
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Marine Genomics
Mastozoología Neotropical
Memorias do Instituto Osvaldo Cruz
Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
Mensaje Bióquimico
Mexican Studies
Microbial Ecology
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
Molecular Biology and Evolution
Molecular Ecology
Molecular Ecology Notes
Molecular Ecology Resources
Molecular Microbiology
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Molecular Plant
National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings
National Geographic en Español
Natural Areas Journal
Natural Product Research
Natural Resources Journal
Nature Biotechnology
Nature Communications
Nature Conservation
Nature Ecology & Evolution
Nature Plants
Nature Review Microbiology
Nature Reviews Microbiology
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
nature Scientifc Reports
Neotropical Entomology
New Phytologist
Newsletter of the Decline Amphibians
Nexos: Sociedad, Ciencia, Literatura
Nordic Journal of Botany
Notulae odonatologicae
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Nuestra Tierra
Occasional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech
Occasional papers, Museum of Texas Tech University
Open Journal of Forestry
Optics Express
Palaeontologia Electronica
Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Parasites & Vectors
Parasites and Vectors
Parasites Vectors
Parasitology Research
Pathogens and Disease
Patria Grande
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
Photosynthesis Research
Physical Review E
Physical Review Letters
Physiologia Plantarum
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
Physiological Entomology
PL o S Genetics
PL o S One
Plant and Soil
Plant Biology
Plant Cell
Plant Cell and Environment
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
Plant Disease
Plant Ecology
Plant Journal
Plant Methods
Plant Molecular Biology
Plant Physiology
Plant Press
Plant Science
Plant Signaling and Behavior
Plant Species Biology
Plant Systematics and Evolution
Plant, Cell and Environment
Plos Biology
Plos Computational Biology
PLOS Genetics
Plos One
Plos Pathogens
Polar Biology
Population Ecology
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNA)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United State of America
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
Proceedings of the Royal Society
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Proceedings Royal Society B
Proceso. Edición Especial
Progress in Physical Geography
Quarterly Review of Biology
Quaternary Research
Región y Sociedad
Regional Environmental Change
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
Restoration Ecology
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Reviews in Fisheries Science
Revista Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México
Revista Chapingo
Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
Revista Conafe
Revista de Administración Pública
Revista de Biología Tropical
Revista de Educación Bioquímica
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
Revista de la Universidad de México
Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana
Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental
Revista Latinoamericana de Conservación
Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiología
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias
Revista mexicana de la conservación Ocelotl
Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología
Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, Nueva época
Revista Ocelote
Revista Preparación
Revista Universidad y Ciencia
Royal Society of London. Proceedings B. Biological Sciences
Royal Society Open Science
Salud Pública de México
Science Advances
Scientific Reports
Scientific Research and Essays
Seed Science and Biotechnology
Seed Science Research
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology
Silvae Genetica
Small Carnivore Conservation
Small Carnivore Conservation (antes Mustelid and Viverrid Conservation)
Society for Conservation Biology Newsletter
Soil Biology & Biochemistry
South African Journal of Botany
Southwestern Entomologist
Southwestern Naturalist
Studies in avian biology
Sustainability Science
Systematic and Applied Microbiology
Systematic Botany
Systematics and Biodiversity
Terra Latinoamericana
Texas Tech University
The American Naturalist
The Auk
The Botanical Review
The bulletin of Ecological Society of America
The Condor
The European Physical Journal. Special Topics
The Hindu: Survey of the Environment
The International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services & Management
The Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution
The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
The Open Biology Journal
The Plant Cell
The Quarterly Review of Biology
The Southwestern Naturalist
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
TIP, Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas
Tip. Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas
Tip: Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico Biológicas
Transactions in GIS
Tree Genetics & Genomes
Tree Physiology
Tree Planters Notes
Trees: Structure and Function
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Trends in Plant Science
Tropical Conservation Science
Tropical Ecology
Tropical Medicine and Health
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Instituto de Geografia. Investigaciones Geograficas
Urban Ecosystems
Urban Water Journal
USDA Forest Service Proceedings
Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
Veterinaria México
Virus Research
Voices of Mexico
Water Science and Technology
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
Weed Research
Western North American Naturalist
Wild Sheep
Wildlife Society Bulletin
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Section C: A Journal of Biosciences
Zoological Science
Zoologischer Anzeiger
¿Cómo ves?
123074 Acosta Calixto Irma
123075 Aguirre Planter Erika
123099 Alcaraz Peraza Luis David
AlvarezBuylla Roces Maria Elena
123067 AlvarezBuylla Roces Maria Elena
123068 Anaya Lang Ana Luisa
123181 Ancona Martinez Sergio Ivan
123138 Arita Watanabe Hector
123076 Avila Luna Edgar Galileo
123148 Avila Sakar German
123159 Balvanera Levy Patricia
123070 Barradas Miranda Victor Luis
123178 Batis Munoz Ana Irene
123130 Benitez Keinrad Mariana
123160 Benítez Malvido Julieta
123157 Benrey Boguslavsky Betty
123161 Bocco Verdinelli Gerardo
123161 Bocco Verdinelli Gerardo Hector
123071 Boege Pare Karina
Bojorquez Tapia Luis
123069 Bojorquez Tapia Luis
123072 Burquez Montijo José Alberto
123110 Bustamante Ortega Enriquena
Campo Alves Homero Julio Eudes
123073 Campo Alves Homero Julio Eudes
Casas Fernandez Alejandro
123162 Casas Fernandez Alejandro
123133 Castañeda Rico Susette Sami
Ceballos González Gerardo Jorge
123066 Ceballos González Gerardo Jorge
Charli Joseph Lakshmi Elisa
123155 Charli Joseph Lakshmi Elisa
123182 Contreras Jimenez Gastón
123079 Cordero Macedo Carlos Rafael
Córdoba Aguilar Alejandro
123080 Córdoba Aguilar Alejandro
123173 Cotler Avalos Helena
123081 Cruz Ortega Maria del Rocio
123163 Cuaron Orozco Alfredo David
123175 Delgado Valerio Patricia
123136 Dirzo Minjarez Rodolfo
123082 Domínguez Pérez Tejada César Augusto
Drummond Durey Hugh Michael
123083 Drummond Durey Hugh Michael
Eguiarte Fruns Luis Enrique
123084 Eguiarte Fruns Luis Enrique
123129 Escalante Hernandez Ana Elena
123129 Escalante Hernandez Ana Elena_
123085 Espinosa Asuar Laura
123132 Espinosa Garcia Ana Cecilia
123132 Espinosa García Francisco Javier
123086 Esteban Jimenez María del Rocío
Falcón Alvarez Luisa Isaura
123087 Falcón Alvarez Luisa Isaura
Fornoni Agnelli Juan Enrique
123088 Fornoni Agnelli Juan Enrique
123149 Franco Baqueiro Miguel
Gamboa de Buen Alicia
123089 Gamboa de Buen Alicia
123090 Gaona Pineda Osiris
123091 Garay Arroyo Adriana
García Guzmán María Graciela
123092 García Guzmán María Graciela
123093 García Méndez María Georgina
123164 García Oliva Felipe
123094 García Ponce de León Berenice
123064 González Ponce Alejandro Rene
González Voyer Alejandro
123140 González Voyer Alejandro
123140 González Voyer Alejandro_
123096 Hernández Bautista Blanca Estela
123144 Huante Perez Maria del Pilar
123165 Ibarra Manriquez Guillermo
Jaramillo Correa Juan Pablo
123126 Jaramillo Correa Juan Pablo
123166 Jaramillo Luque Victor Joaquin
123097 Jiménez Casas Gabriela
123153 Leon Rico Ricardo
Lerner Amy Michelle
123154 Lerner Amy Michelle
123135 List Sanchez Rurik Hermann
123169 Maass Moreno José Manuel
Macías Garcia Constantino de Jesús
123109 Macías Garcia Constantino de Jesús
123139 Macias Rubalcava Martha Lydia
Mandujano Sánchez María del Carmen
123111 Mandujano Sánchez María del Carmen
123098 Martínez Becerril Raúl Iván
Martinez Ramos Miguel
123167 Martinez Ramos Miguel
Martìnez Rodrìguez Josè Fulgencio
123125 Martìnez Rodrìguez Josè Fulgencio
123112 Martinez Yrizar Angelina
123168 Masera Cerutti Omar Raul
Mazari Hiriart Marisa
123113 Mazari Hiriart Marisa
123114 Medellín Legorreta Rodrigo Antonio
123115 Mendoza Ochoa Ana Elena
123116 Molina Freaner Francisco Elizandro
123078 Morales Garcia Ariadna Esthela
123141 Morales Guillaumin Eduardo
Nuñez Farfán Juan Servando
123121 Nuñez Farfán Juan Servando
123120 Orozco Segovia Alma Delfina Lucía
123158 Ortega Reyes Jorge
123158 Ortega Reyes Jorge_
123142 Osorno Cepeda Jose Luis
123170 Oyama Nakagawa Alberto Ken
123100 Pacheco Rodríguez Jesús
123146 Peñalba Garmendia Maria Cristina
123101 Pérez Ishiwara José Rubén
123177 Perez Nasser Nidia
123102 Pérez Ruíz Rigoberto Vicencio
Piñero Dalmau Daniel Ignacio
123124 Piñero Dalmau Daniel Ignacio
123152 Quiroz Flores Agustin
123143 Rincon Saucedo Juan Emmanuel
123103 Rodríguez Juárez Nieves María Cristina
123176 Rodriguez Moreno Pilar
123128 Rodriguez Tapia Jose Gerardo
Rojas Aréchiga Mariana
123104 Rojas Aréchiga Mariana
Rosell Garcia Julieta Alejandra
123156 Rosell García Julieta Alejandra
123105 Sánchez Coronado María Esther
123127 Sanchez Jimenez Ma. de la Paz
123183 Santini Nadia
Santos Gally Rocio
123184 Santos Gally Rocio
123119 Sarukhán Kermez José Aristeo
123106 Silva Pereyra Carlos Rubén
123134 Soberon Mainero Jorge
123107 Solís Villalpando Enrique
Souza Saldivar Valeria
123123 Souza Saldivar Valeria
123145 Sun Hyung Kim
123108 Tapia López Rosalinda
123174 Tellez Giron Maria Guadalupe
123117 Tinoco Ojanguren Clara Leonor
123118 Torres Aviles Laura Roxana
123180 Urrutia Odabachian Araxi
123150 Valera Vazquez Aldo
123122 Valiente Banuet Alfonso
123151 Vargas García Jesús
Vázquez Domínguez Ella
123065 Vázquez Domínguez Ella
123171 Vazquez Hernandez Luis Bernardo
123147 Vazquez Lobo-Yuren Alejandra
123137 Vázquez Yanes Carlos
123172 Vital Rumebe Adolfo
Palabras clave: